
I took some photos of the hydrangea in my back yard last fall, and I’ve just rediscovered them.  I mean, I took them and didn’t think much of them then, but I took another look and decided to try out some editing techniques on them to see what I could come up with.  I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going for, something a little vintage-looking, I think.  I came across this I ♥ Faces Tutorial: In The Fairy Garden by Michelle Johnson and was inspired to try something similar.  I didn’t exactly follow the tutorial (although I plan to at some point), but I think the idea is pretty much the same. 





I ♥ Faces: Hilarious Outtakes

My parents are avid golfers, and when they came up to visit, we decided to take the girls to the driving range.  Taryn was practicing her putting, and I snapped this photo of her after she missed her shot.  I still laugh every time I see this one!

I used this great texture during the editing process.

Rethinking her strategy


After her brief stint as a golfer, Taryn decided to try her hand as a tattoo artist (using stamps she got for her birthday).  The look on her face kills me, because she’s wasn’t really sorry for what she did…

My little free spirit


For more hilarious outtakes, check out:

Playing with Textures

I have yet to experiment with Photoshop Actions or much in the way of texturing goes, but I decided to give it a try today.  It seemed like a simple enough process, and after joining the MCP Textures Sharing Group on flickr, and watching the tutorial posted in that group, I decided to give it a go.  I used the free “blue” texture from Daniela Gabay Photography, plopped it on top of the photo, set the texture layer to Overlay and toned down the Opacity a bit.  Then, I erased some of the texture around my beautiful neice’s face, and voila!

All Textured Up
