A Beautiful Place to Ski

Last weekend, my daughter entered the Citizens Races at Hurricane Ridge.  It was beautiful, and it was a great day to go up to the mountain.  Both our girls had been taking ski lessions there, and they had so much fun eating skittles, drinking hot chocolate, and of course, learning to ski.

How did my daughter do?  She did great!  She got a silver medal!  Granted, there were two girls in her age group, but still!  We couldn’t have been more proud.

Here’s my family after the race.

The Carroll Family {Portrait Photography | Port Angeles, WA}

The Carroll family is my first official “Portfolio Building” session.  They haven’t had portraits done in a very long time, and they happen to be really great friends of ours.  They are a creative, talented, and just all-around awesome bunch of people.  Oh, and did I mention fun?  Yep, they’re all that and a bag of chips, too!

We took these photos a few weeks ago (yes, I’m way behind on blogging).  I was hoping to get these in before the big snowstorm hit the peninsula, but it started snowing on my way to their beautiful house!  Luckily, this family can handle anything, and I was prepared with my fingerless gloves and ready to go.

Olivia is just a gorgeous girl.  And see the snowflakes in the background?  I didn’t Photoshop them in!

Nathan looked so much like his dad, and he did so great in front of the camera.

Stefanie and Jason have a great neighbor who is an amazing artist.  He also happened to have the coolest bike on earth sitting around, so Stefanie and Jason took it for a little spin!

Olivia had been to a birthday party the day before, and lucky for us, the balloon she brought home still had some gas in it!

Beautiful, just like her mama.

Here’s Nathan wearing dad’s old Army uniform.

And we can’t forget Henry, one of the friendliest dogs ever.

This was so much fun.  I loved taking these photos!  You guys are just wonderful in so many ways!

Next up:  The Gavin Family!